Babies and Toddlers

Splish Splash
Help your child become comfortable and confident in and around the water with Splish Splash Aqua Playgroup at Lakeside Leisure Centre!
Lessons are designed for babies six months and under, catering for infant, toddler and preschool participants attending with their parents/guardians or appropriate adult carers.
We understand that your first playgroup session can be daunting but with a fully trained and accredited swim teacher present at all times, there's no need to worry.
Lessons are non-structured and designed with you and your baby in mind. With a gentle introduction into the water in a safe and welcoming environment, infants can start to enjoy the water from 3 months to 6 months.
Please be aware that parents should have an understanding of water skills and safety that they can introduce to their child. If required, we can offer parents/guardians further aquatic education with mainstream adult swimming classes.
Lesson Times
Lessons are held on Tuesdays at 9.30am. Please call 02 68479130 to book and join in the fun!
Did You Know?
Splish Splash Aqua Playgroup is amazing for familiarising your child with the water and for early childhood development.
You can get your baby prepared for swimming before you even get to the swimming pool. Use bath time at home to get your baby used to the feeling of splashing and being in the water.
Our Integrated App
Everyone's GOswim journey is powered by innovative technology. The Active World app was specifically designed to improve communication and interaction between your swim schools and swimmers.
Your self managed personal portal will enable you to:
- View upcoming classes
- Book new classes
- Advise of us of your child's non-attendance and book make-up lessons
- Track learning pathways and progression
- Receive digital awards for effort, teamwork, perseverance and having FUN!
- Send and receive messages to the Centre staff
- Manage personal and billing details

Join Splish Splash
It's never too early or too late to become confident in and around the water. Bring bub along to join in the fun at Lakeside Leisure Centre.